My 2020 (0)

2020 is about to end: I am feeling the impulse to record this tumultuous year. Before the pandemic, there wasn’t much room for relaxation – a typical final year in a Singapore Junior College really allowed little self exploration. With fewer club activities and less demanding school work, I had the luxury to read for pleasure. Therefore, the central theme of my 2020 may be “books”. Among them, there are some that have been with me since my first arrival in 2016. The non-fictions mostly come from random conversations or podcasts.

In writing the My 2020 series, I hope to restart my blog. I would probably use the rest of December to transfer my Weibo posts here. After all, I find that there is no effective way to organise my records on Weibo. (I expect WordPress to be a better repository.)


Some interesting books I read this year:





比较的幽灵, Benedict Anderson

想象的共同体, Benedict Anderson



孤独的城市,Olivia Laing

德米安,Hermann Hesse


Islamic Empires – Fifteen cities that define civilisation, Justin Marozzi

The World – A brief introduction, Richard Haas

Responsible Parties – Saving democracy from itself

Cultural Amnesia, Clive James

Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick

America In the World, Robert Zoellick

Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger

Mediations, Marcus Aurelius

State Capitalism, Joshua Kurlantzick

Postwar, Judt

Why Nations Fails, Acemoglu

The ASEAN Miracle, Kishore Mahbuhani

The Wolf at the Door, Ian Shapiro

The Metropolis, Ben Wilson

The Art of Avoid Being Governed, James Scott

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